Sabemos que le encantará Avada tanto como lo hacemos. Ponemos mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en Avada, y nuestros maravillosos usuarios que compran. Pero no tome nuestra palabra para ella, just ask our users! Check below to read dozens of testimonials from our dedicated users!

Just bought my 5th and 6th copies of Avada this weekend!!! I just wanted to say how much I’m loving your Avada Theme!!! It’s awesome!!! 🙂
Julie Larson, Avada temático
Just posting for anyone considering buying this theme. It is absolutely wonderful to work with – you won’t regret a decision to buy it! I had a website entirely set up in a couple of hours with no glitches and my client is thrilled.
KyliEvie, Avada temático
Seriously, Guau! I’ve purchased a ton of stuff on Envato. This theme is the cleanest and easiest to use. Well done folks.
Riffster, Avada temático
WOW - Realmente no sé qué más decir. Este es el mejor tema que he visto. Soy un desarrollador web de tiempo completo, y este tema me saca de quicio. Quería darle las gracias por todo su trabajo duro. Estoy realmente esperando con interés la construcción de mi nuevo sitio! Creo que usted pensó en todo y algo más. Pero muchas gracias por este tema, Mejor $40 dólares cada vez que he pasado en toda mi vida! Guau- INCREÍBLE!.
MarketingMonsters, Avada temático
Gracias por su respuesta muy profesional y rápido. Fui a buscar respuestas a mis propias preguntas y rápidamente di cuenta de que la información que estaba solicitando era muy fácil de encontrar. Como eran los videos y las instrucciones. De hecho, todo ha sido perfecto hasta ahora. Este es de lejos el tema más bien soportado que he tenido el placer de trabajar con. Un montón de opciones maravillosas. Me hubiera gustado que me había encontrado antes pasé dinero en un tema de los competidores. Gracias de nuevo por el gran apoyo y por un gran producto.
William Genske, Avada temático
Si pudiera dar 100 estrellas para el apoyo y la atención al detalle que sin duda haría. He comprado un buen número de temas de WordPress de varios desarrolladores que se ven bien en ThemeForest pero después de que usted los compre usted encuentra numerosos problemas, bichos, administrador loco y muy, muy pobre apoyo. He comprado el tema Avada y había un par de problemas también, pero los chicos de ThemeFusion fueron notables - me refiero a este. La velocidad de soporte y atención al detalle es fenomenal. Si está considerando la compra de este tema, en ese caso tomar de mí, usted será muy satisfechos.
Stuartyboy, Avada temático
Great theme, I had to build a site in a hurry , and could choose no better, in 10 hours I have the site up and running, the best part is that I never had to ask for support, all parameter change was made within the theme and with a little css customization (also within the theme). Best wordpress theme I ever used!
Agustin666, Avada temático
This is absolutely one of the best themes I have ever worked with. Everything works so well – kudos.
Trentscott, Avada temático
Awesome design, awesome after sales service and support! Thanks guys, very happy.
Andrewhellmich, Avada temático
Muchas gracias, Avada’s support team is amazing! I’m really glad I’ve spent my money on a theme so well supported.
Aurelien, Avada temático
THANK YOU for the best theme ever! I’ve worked with quite a few, and this one is the first theme I’m using repeatedly.
JoMillerPh, Avada temático
Compré este tema y me gustaría recomendarlo a todo aquel interesado en la construcción de un sitio web sin conocimientos de PHP o HTML. Es muy conveniente y el servicio al cliente es muy reactivo. Lo diré en francés "Bravo" para este trabajo!
Aajami, Avada temático
Tema increíble y soporte de primera clase, ya que soy un principiante, Luke me ayudó más allá y era más que paciente, sus respuestas fueron rápidos y tiene un cuidado genuino para disfrutar y seguir adelante con su tema!.. tema y autor muy recomendable!
Lucasgriffin, Avada temático
Permítanme decir algo. Usted tiene un tema increíble y sorprendente apoyo / awesome. Me ayudaron en fin de semana. Esto es lo que yo llamo un "esfuerzo adicional" en la relación con el cliente. Así que le di 5 estrellas por el tema y si pudiera, Daría 10 estrellas de apoyo.
Gojcus, Avada temático
Hi, Sólo quería decir gracias por el gran tema. Estoy encontrando nuevas maneras de mejorar cada día y encontrar que ha sido el tema más fácil de usar que he comprado. Estoy prácticamente analfabetos informáticos y sé muy poco o nada en absoluto sobre el código, CSS, o cualquiera de los mecanismos internos de un sitio web. El tema Avada elimina toda la preocupación, molestia, la frustración y la angustia que los principiantes (y los novatos) sentir en el diseño de sitios web. Si usted puede leer y seguir las instrucciones, este tema es para ti. He tratado de un centenar de plug-ins con otros temas y el tema Avada hace casi todos ellos innecesarios y obsoletos.
Strata1, Avada temático
Your theme is beautiful, I really love it! It’s very customizable: everyone can completely personalize it and that is power. Thanks to the great staff who reply immediately to thousands of “problematic people”…
Breakbeat, Avada temático
Thank you very much for your quick and useful response. Your theme is an awesome piece of work! Guau! It was super easy – I WILL GIVE YOU 5 STARS! Thanx a lot guys!!!
Alfromhell, Avada temático
Hello, I have just to say YOUR THEME IS AMAZING! I bought another one but after AVADA I can’t use it. I’ m back and I use AVADA again for another client. THANKS A LOT.
Deadro, Avada temático
Gracias. I have purchased the theme and I’m very happy that I did. Its so much better than the other themes that I have seen. The list of options is amazing.
sparkysplus, Avada temático
Muchas gracias por el apoyo rápido. Usted solucionó mi problema. No puedo creer que se trataba de una supervisión tan simple de mi lado. No he entendido bien las instrucciones, pero tiene mucho sentido en retrospectiva. You rock! Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo para ayudar a un novato como yo. El tema es realmente grande y fácil de instalar, incluso para alguien como yo que viene en su mayor parte a partir de un diseño de impresión y comunicaciones de fondo. Estoy muy impresionado con el servicio y soporte!
Stephanvuuren, Avada temático
Tengo que repetir el post de sarumbear en la página anterior (82), Yo también altamente puedo recomendar este tema por su facilidad de uso y soporte. El infierno que la fabricación de armarios para la vida y no tienen experiencia ó anterior con el diseño web, por lo que sólo utilice este para construir nuestra propia web de la empresa y encuentro que son tan fácil, todo el trabajo está hecho para usted. Para el equipo Avada - gracias a todos por todo el trabajo duro, especialmente después de esta gran actualización cuando se ha lanzado una nueva actualización al minuto se encontró un problema.
Rel1961, Avada temático
Hi there – am a WordPress neophyte and your theme was so helpfu! It allowed me to set up a business website even without having any significant HTML knowledge. Thanks for offering so many bells and whistles!
Ngiverson, Avada temático
Dearest Team of ThemeFusion, Thank you – Thank You – Thank You!!!! Yout support is so great!!!! And your passion helping others to get it is huge!!! I appriciate your wonderful support!
Emily 2013, Avada temático
I bought the theme last week and really I must say the documentation is great and so it is fun to work with it! Thank you for your great job here, guys! Keep up the good work! 🙂
SeriousToni, Avada temático
For anyone considering the purchase of this theme and might be on the fence as to whether or not to buy it, I say go for it! The documentation is wonderful and even though I haven’t posted a question in the support forum yet, I can see no questions go unanswered and are often answered within a matter of hours or less. The few questions I have had I found were already answered in the forum. Plus take a look at all the features this theme includes. It’s got everything but the kitchen sink….maybe it’s got that too but I haven’t found it yet I’m giving major props to the ThemeFusion team for the theme and their support. In a world where you can get a “widget” (no pun intended) from anyone, customer support always makes or breaks you. These guys have it nailed.Nice work ThemeFusion team.
bfield3, Avada temático
Hi, guys just want to say thanks for such awesome theme and outstanding support! I love that I can search your forum, open the ticket and you even provide php code for changes when they are needed! Makes it all so easy and inspiring! I can focus on designing and structuring info on my site, instead of trying to figure out how it works for hours:) Gracias!
Ganga108, Avada temático
It’s one of the best themes I have ever bought on themeforest. I use it for my website which was build with my webbuilder next to me. He did not knew this theme before and he said that it was the easiest wordpress navigation structure that he has ever seen. So esecially if you are new with wordpress, this is the theme you will need!
MrIpkiss, Avada temático
You guys have thought of everything with this theme. I am really enjoying it, the documentation is very well done.
Dalemartin12, Avada temático
This theme rocks and because it’s so well made it’s making my life much easier!
HHarland123, Avada temático
Great theme. Easy to use and get around creating pages of different looks.
Tinnsiah, Avada temático
I can’t imagine nothing better. AVADA is easy to use also for beginner as me. Great job guys!
Deana Zelinova, Avada temático
Me encanta este tema ... se tira totalmente culo
Martinitgirl, Avada temático
Esto no es desarrollador bromeando sobre el servicio al cliente. Si usted está a punto de comprarlo, cierra los ojos e invertir este 40 Dólar estadounidense. Eso no es nada compara a la calidad de esta plantilla.
eMKT, Avada temático
This is an incredible theme. The more I work with it, the more I see how easy it is to customize and do anything!!! Your support is also outstanding. My two small inquiries, you got back to me immediately. I will use this template for many more sites in the future. Keep up the good work. And THANKS!!!!
DeeJaeb, Avada temático
Thank you Luke and Muhammad for your awesome theme, and for your belief in the importance of ongoing improvements of the theme and for your stellar efforts in establishing, maintaining and improving customer service. The theme is great by itself, but I believe it’s the other stuff that keeps it popular, as that’s what keeps customers happy.
Djaef, Avada temático
Purchasing the Avada theme turned out to be a GREAT decision! The user friendly theme options, video tutorials and support forum are all second to none. All this support allowed me to focus on my layout and not spending all my time trying to figure out how to use the theme.I highly recommend the Avada theme!
ePixelMedia, Avada temático
He comprado una copia de este tema para poner a prueba y estoy impresionado. No sólo el tema está bien pensado con buenas opciones de cantidad y excelentes instalaciones de personalización, pero su apoyo en su foro de soporte es ejemplar.
Puedo recomendar el tema y el desarrollador. Me va a comprar más licencias.
Sarumbear, Avada temático
Sólo quiero decir GRACIAS! Abre es simplemente genial. Es fácil de usar y tiene algunas características realmente fascinantes. Es un placer trabajar con ella. Mis clientes están contentos y así soy yo. Adelante!
Die_wonne, Avada temático
Tengo que decir que la documentación debe ser el mejor que me he encontrado con un tema, Gracias!
Javed_iqbal, Avada temático
Tu sabes que? u r tan grande que yo quiero comprar lo hacen u WL. After Service is tremendous 🙂
Tobedoit, Avada temático
Muchas Gracias por sus respuestas rápidas y precisas. Su tema es realmente maravilloso!
jvgDesign, Avada temático
Gracias. Sois impresionantes! Su apoyo es tan (si no más) 'Sensibles' como este increíble tema.
Christobar9, Avada temático
This video is totally brilliant. A simple, visual explanation of how to use short codes that even an almost newbie can understand and use straight away. I’ve been trying to find an easy to listen to (some others have no voiceinsane) and understand video. I got to sayThis rocks, your theme rocks, and dudeYou do too 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to create this. I will look at the others now too. The videos are why I am buying and recommending your theme.
DavidTrees, Avada temático
Increíble, You People are Extraordinary with Support and I don’t know any word which is bigger than extraordinary or have written here million times. Superb Theme Superb People and Superb Support. Thanks a Lot for Awesome Help! I don’t need to buy any theme again, this is ultimate THEME for Me for Every Business and Client of Mine. Thanks a Million!
Sherman, Avada temático
Increíble! Gracias. Me encanta este tema serio. Las características son excepcionales y las rocas de apoyo. Alguien me lo recomendó y estoy tan contenta que hicieron. Buen material.
kdt784, Avada temático
Just wanted to say that the themefusion guys just helped me out on the forum. Great service. A new update is coming out which fixes the problem. It’s an awesome theme and the guys work really hard on it. The shortcodes are really easy to use and they have lots of it. Also good design with conversion elements. Good luck guys and thanks again for the help!
Hindrik, Avada temático
I have never in my life received more value for my money in regards to the product and the post purchase support I received. As a newcomer to WP I had multiple questions which where answered OVER THE WEEKEND WITHIN SECONDS. Absolutely AMAZING!!! On top of all that, this is a first rate, perfectly executed theme. Man, all this for $40???? Guau!!!
Jeremysoca, Avada temático
This theme is GREAT. I have tried to work with other themes in the past and always run into bugs, but not with Avada! It is very easy to customize the theme to suit your site without any code knowledge. The portfolio and sliders are a must-have for me, and Avada truly delivers! I will be sticking with Avada for quite some time because it is so functional and flexible!
Marymaier, Avada temático
Ustedes realmente tiene el mejor comentario de usuario de respuesta que he visto. He comprado casi 45 temas en el último 2 años y estoy realmente impresionado con su servicio.
Jwhosky1, Avada temático
excelente plantilla. Uno de los mejores es el tema que he utilizado siempre. Cada pequeño detalle ha sido cuidado. apoyo impresionante, así. No 5 pero 10 clasificaciones de estrellas.
Tashigyaltsen, Avada temático
Hey, Amo Este tema!! Es increíble ... nunca he tenido ningún problema con él! Funciona bien y es sin duda uno de los temas principales de esta edad!
Transportar, Avada temático
Muchas gracias! apoyo increíble! tema increíble!
3elevenmedia, Avada temático
tema impresionante, apoyo increíble! 5*Estrellas!
Ross Sadler, Avada temático
INCREDIBLE INCREDIBLE INCREDIBLE!!! Thats all I can say about this theme and the documentation that comes with it. It seriously is amazingly created and I am so impressed with all the work you put into the documentation that I am shocked!! The theme works flawlessly and I migrated from my old theme to Avada without any issues. Be very proud of your work because you deserve to be!! I recommended your Avada theme to a few others today because I do really believe it is the best theme on and off themeforest. Keep up the fabulous work!!
VernK, Avada temático
Hi. I just want to say that this is the most amazing theme and an absolute joy to work with. I’m not WordPress savvy at all, and this is the third premium theme I’ve bought, trying to get it right. You know what they say, third time is the charm. I have other websites to create in the future. Avada is my number 1 choice from now on. Thanks so much for creating something so beautiful, so easy to work with, and not only that, it loads fast, too.
Themis_Designs, Avada temático
We just wanted to say Thank You for your great responses, an amazing theme and awesome forum and video tutorials. We are actually learning about all the components of theme design from the very thorough explanations! We are so happy we chose this theme after failing with others. no comparison. this theme really rocks….and it will rock more when we learn everything about it! Theme Fusion is absolute 5 Star!
Brenda and Lisa, Avada temático
I’m only half way to setting the whole website but I’m breezing through it since it’s really easy to do it. I’m very pleased with the design, customization and functionality… not a single regret!
Gawdess, Avada temático
Thanks for creating such an excellent and well put together theme. The theme has been brilliant and it’s allowed me to put together a very professional looking website with minimal coding. Keep up the great work! 🙂
cgowan_i, Avada temático
You bloody legends! I don’t know how you do the things you do but that’s awesome – thank you… again. I’ll be singing your praises from the rooftops.
Have a great weekend.
Andrewwhellmich, Avada temático
Hey Theme Fusion. Just wanted to say thanks for the great videos. I’ve recently expanded from Joomla to WordPress and am using your Avada theme. These videos have been a huge help in learning my way around WP as well as using the Avada theme to its full potential.
Stiggandr1, Avada temático
Avada is the best theme I’ve ever bought! Theme Fusion has the best support over the net! Keep it up!
Breakbeat, Avada temático
Hello! I have to say, this is the most versatile, user-friendly theme I have ever worked with. I couldn’t be happier with my purchase.
Joelbechtolt, Avada temático
Thanks For the great Product. As an experience web designer I find this solves a lot clients request and makes website turnover a breeze.
Michael_Gleeson, Avada temático
Bravo on an AWESOME theme! I am just finishing up my site and I absolutely love it and your support service is superb! I gave you a 5 star rating! Gracias!
TMac313, Avada temático
Avada keeps getting better & better. Now with the added UberMenu Plugin compatibility and updated the other great features, the possibilities are endless.
WindyCityFella, Avada temático
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Want to join the club and experience these awesome results our users have had?

All you need to do is buy Avada! Usted no será decepcionado, our theme and service are top of the line! Buy now!
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